![]() | 绍兴旺进针纺织品有限公司(绍兴双良针纺有限公司)成立于2000年,集纺织、进出口贸易于一体。现有总资产5000万元,其中净资产1800万元,固定资产3500余万元, 员工280余人,占地38000平方米。是一家专业生产各档针织面料的生产企业,拥有高级技术人员,技术力量雄厚,现有国际领先的台湾摇粒绒生产后整理加工流水线6条。拥有高速开幅机、高速起毛机、自动剪毛机、自动摇粒筒等先进生产设备。 公司以生产纺织生产品为主导产业,主要生产各类摇粒绒、双面绒、单面绒、抽条绒、蚂蚁布、珊瑚绒、舒棉绒等。日生产加工各档针织面料产品40吨,产品部份出口,远销日本、南美等多个国家和地区。为扩大销售,公司在中国轻纺城、湖州童装城设立了多个门市部。企业将不断地研制开发新产品。同时积极向其他领域拓展,以形成跨行业扩张的格局,企业中长期发展目标明确,正朝着管理科学化、市场国际化、投资多元化、产业规模化、成本最优化的方向推进。 公司贯彻:“以诚取信、以质取胜”的企业精神,以创建一流生产企业为目标,不断完善,超越自我,拓展新的发展之路。 公司遵循诚信为本,质量第一,价格合理,交货及时的经营原则,竭诚欢迎国内外新老客商,惠顾我公司洽商贸易。地址:浙江绍兴东浦工业园区耶溪路582号电话:86-575-84073002 传真:86-575-85395076SHAOXING FLOWER TEXTILE CO.,LTD is a company integrating textile, import and export trading, set up 2000 with total assets RMB 50 million Yuan, net capital RMB 18 million, and fixed capital over RMB 35 million. It occupies floor area 38,000 square meters, and staff members amounting to 280. It specializes in producing various knitting fabric. The company possesses six world advanced production line for finishing of Taiwan polar fleece, high-speed opener, raising machine, automatic shearing machine and automatic polar fleece cylinder, etc. Spinning is the predominant industry of our company. The main products include polar fleece, both-side raised flannelette, irreversible flannelette, stripe fleece, flock, towel cloth, loop cloth, terry, berber fleece and flock compound, plush and polar fleece compound, etc. Recently, our company develops antistatic diamond line and pearl fleece. The daily output of knitting fabric reaches 40 tons. Some products are exported to Japan and South American countries. |